How to Deepen Your Voice

Deep Voice Exercises

Show Confidence – You will be able to better project your voice if you are confident. If you lack confidence, try recording your voice and listen to how you sound. After you have listened to you speaking normally try to record your voice once again but this time speaking confident.

Relax And Talk Slow – This will stop your voice from straining and help the projection of your voice.

Throat Exercises – You can always do some vocal exercises, this will work out your vocal cords tuning your voice to be deeper.

Dont Slouch Down Whilst Talking – If you have practised some of the vocal exercises mentioned, you will noticed keeping your head up helps project your voice across alot clearer and deeper, this is because there is less strain on your throat.

It Take Time – It doesn't just come out of nowhere.It helps to spend time alone and practise with your voice and play around with how you talk to see what you can doYou can also take this alone time to do vocal exercises.

Talk from the back of your throat - Talk from the back of your throat and focus on your R's.